In the first round, all ten participating schools will perform a Ghanaian gospel song of their choice. After this round the judges will eliminate 4 schools.
2nd Round- Solo Head to HeadIn the second round, soloists from the remaining 6 schools will go head to head to perform a duet. After this round the judges will eliminate 3 schools.
However, after this round, the audience will have the power to bring back one of the eliminated schools by voting. The audience may choose to bring back a school eliminated in either the first, or the second round.
3rd Round- Final SongIn this round, the 4 remaining schools will each perform the same song and will be ranked by the judges.
The choir will be required to prepare to sing two songs.
On the day of the competition, should their school qualify, either soloist A or soloist B will be randomly chosen to take place in round 2 of the competition.
The soloists will need to prepare different parts of 3 songs. However, on the day of the competition, qualifying participants will only be required to sing one of these songs, to be decided randomly on the day of the competition.
Soloist A must prepare to sing:
Soloist B must prepare to sing:
All school choirs will be accompanied by the CoreBanc Choral Competition Band on the day of the competition.
The band will be available to practise with the school choirs on three occasions before the competition. The available band rehearsal dates will be posted on our website.
Registered schools may book these dates on a first come, first serve basis, and the band will visit the school and practise with the students on the school premises.
The school’s choir director/ music teacher must be present during these rehearsals.
This member of staff will liaise with our able staff to ensure the students remain well cared for over the duration of the program.
Judges will be able to award up to 5 points based on their experience and discretion.